We offer telehealth consultations as well as face to face consultations.
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please notify us as soon as you can.
Repeated or late cancellations may incur a fee.
Please arrive on time as this helps us keep to schedule and if you have complex issues or procedures book a longer consultation time.
When you arrive at the practice you must register with the reception staff to get on to the doctors waiting list. It a requirement for our accreditation that you are asked some simple identification questions.
Kindly inform us of any change of address, phone or email details.
Advise the receptionists if you or a family member require an interpreter service. We encourage you to advise us on your cultural background.
To speak with your doctor during normal surgery hours, you may be booked in for a telehealth consultation. Some doctors prefer not to discuss results over the phone and request that you return to discuss any results with them.
Saturday morning clinic
The doctors run a clinic on Saturday mornings on rotation, for non-routine issues. Limited online appointments become available from Friday, or you can phone the surgery on Saturday morning from 7:45 am. Appointments will be offered from 8am until 11am. From 11am-midday we offer a walk-in clinic and patients will be seen in order of arrival, although seriously ill patients may need to take priority.
After Hour Services
After 6pm on weekdays and 12pm on Saturdays if you call our practice you will be diverted to the Home Doctor Service to offer medical advice and/or provide an after hours house call.
For more information, including their billing procedure, please visit their website: www.homedoctor.com.au
The nearest local public hospitals with Emergency Departments are the Royal North Shore – St. Leonards (94632222) and Hornsby Hospital (94779530)
Reminder System
Text Message Reminders
If you consent, we will send a text message the day before your appointment to remind you about your appointment.
​Preventative Care
Our Practice is committed to preventive care as a quality service so we may send you messages offering you health services appropriate to your care, or to recall you for immunisations or other tests that become due.
If you prefer not to be part of this system please let your doctor or our staff know (our practice also participates in national and state reminder systems and registers).